Friday, March 28, 2008


oil painting

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


oil painting
3. 与来自相关部门的代表一起进行军事演习,特别是要与情报机构合作。

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


oil painting

Monday, March 24, 2008



Sunday, March 23, 2008

da vinci painting

da vinci painting
oil painting from picture
famous painting
floral oil painting
scalding my cheek; for the spectacle of
her sad resignation gave me an intolerable pain at the heart.
About a week subsequently to the incidents greeted with a sharp reprimand, and told
that to-morrow she should have half a dozen of untidily folded
articles pinned to her shoulder.
'My things were indeed in shameful disorder,' murmured Helen to me,
in a low voice: 'I intended to have arranged them, but I forgot.'
oil paintings
Next morning, Miss Scatcherd wrote in conspicuous characters on a
piece of pasteboard the word 'Slattern,' and veneration expanding at every sounding line. She
had scarcely finished ere the bell announced bedtime! no delay could
be admitted; Miss Temple embraced kindled: first, they glowed in the
bright tint of her cheek, which till this hour I had never seen but
pale and bloodless; then they shone in the liquid lustre of her
eyes, which had suddenly acquired a beauty

Thursday, March 20, 2008

da vinci painting

da vinci painting
mona lisa painting
thomas kinkade painting
van gogh painting
You are aware that my plan in bringing
up these girls is, not to accustom them to habits of luxury and
indulgence, but to render them hardy, patient, self-denying. Should
any little accidental disappointment of the appetite occur, such as
the spoiling of a meal, the under or the over dressing of a dish,
the incident ought not to be neutralised by replacing with something
more delicate the comfort lost, thus pampering the body and
obviating the aim of this institution; it ought to be improved to
oil paintings
the spiritual edification of the pupils, by encouraging them to evince
fortitude under the temporary privation. A brief address on those
occasions would not be mistimed, wherein a judicious instructor
would take the opportunity of referring to the sufferings of the
primitive Christians; to the torments of martyrs; to the

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Edward Hopper Painting

Edward Hopper Painting
Mary Cassatt painting
Jack Vettriano Painting
The Singing Butler
you and despitefully use you.'
'Then I should love Mrs. Reed, which I cannot do; I should bless
her son John, which is impossible.'
In her turn, Helen Burns asked me to explain, and I proceeded
forthwith to pour out, in my own way, the tale of my sufferings and
resentments. Bitter and truculent when excited, I spoke as I felt,
without reserve or softening.
oil paintings
Helen heard me patiently to the end: I expected she would then make
a remark, but she said nothing.
'Well,' I asked impatiently, 'is not Mrs. Reed a hard-hearted,
bad woman?'
'She has been unkind to you, no doubt; because you see, she
dislikes your cast of character, as Miss Scatcherd does mine; but

oil painting artist

oil painting artist
Gustav Klimt Painting
William Bouguereau
The Birth of Venus
I did so; a brief examination convinced me that the contents were
less taking than the title: Rasselas looked dull to my trifling taste;
I saw nothing about fairies, nothing about genii; no bright variety
seemed spread over the closely-printed pages. I returned it to her;
she received it quietly, and without saying anything she was about
to relapse into her former studious mood: again I ventured to
disturb her-
oil paintings
'Can you tell me what the writing on that stone over the door
means? What is Lowood Institution?'
'This house where you are come to live.' 'And why do they call it Institution? Is it in any way different
from other schools?'

Sunday, March 16, 2008

famous michelangelo painting

famous michelangelo painting
Van Gogh Painting
Van Gogh Sunflower
Edward Hopper Painting
no doubt: let her have some supper before she goes
to bed, Miss Miller. Is this the first time you have left your parents
to come to school, my little girl?'
I explained to her that I had no parents. She inquired how long
they had been dead: then how old I was, what was my name, whether I
could read, write, and sew a little: then she touched my cheek
gently with her forefinger, and saying, 'She hoped I should be a
good child,' dismissed me along with Miss Miller.
oil paintings
The lady I had left might be about twenty-nine; the one who went
with me appeared some years younger: the first impressed me by her
voice, look, and air. Miss Miller was more ordinary; ruddy in

Friday, March 14, 2008

Marc Chagall Painting

Marc Chagall Painting
famous painting
claude monet painting
mona lisa painting
chickens, but also in driving hard bargains with the gardener
about flower-roots, seeds, and slips of plants; that functionary
having orders from Mrs. Reed to buy of his young lady all the products
of her parterre she wished to sell: and Eliza would have sold the hair
off her head if she could have made a handsome profit thereby. As to
her money, she first secreted it in odd corners, wrapped in a rag or
an old curl-paper; but some of these hoards having been discovered
by the housemaid, Eliza,
oil paintings fearful of one day losing her valued
treasure, consented to intrust it to her mother, at a usurious rate of
interest- fifty or sixty per cent.; which interest she exacted every
quarter, keeping her accounts in a little book with anxious accuracy.
Georgiana sat on a high stool, dressing her hair at the glass,

Thursday, March 13, 2008

mona lisa painting

mona lisa painting
Gustav Klimt The Kiss
Gustav Klimt Painting
William Bouguereau
age? She must be eight or nine years old.'
'I was knocked down,' was the blunt explanation, jerked out of me
by another pang of mortified pride; 'but that did not make me ill,'
I added; while Mr. Lloyd helped himself to a pinch of snuff.
As he was returning the box to his waistcoat pocket, a loud bell
rang for the servants' dinner; he knew what it was. 'That's for you,
nurse,' said he; 'you can go down; I'll give Miss Jane a lecture
till you come back.'
oil paintings
Bessie would rather have stayed, but she was obliged to go, because
punctuality at meals was rigidly enforced at Gates-head Hall. not make you ill; what did, then?' pursued Mr.
Lloyd when Bessie was gone.
'I was shut up in a room where there is a ghost till after dark.'
I saw Mr. Lloyd smile and frown at the same time. 'Ghost! What, you
are a baby after all! You are afraid of ghosts

Art Painting

Art Painting
floral oil painting
michelangelo painting
oil painting artist
was a low ottoman near the marble chimney-piece; the bed rose
before me; to my right hand there was the high, dark wardrobe, with
subdued, broken reflections varying the gloss of its panels; to my
left were the muffled windows; a great looking-glass between them
repeated the vacant majesty of the bed and room. I was not quite
sure whether they had locked the door; and when I dared move, I got up
and went to see. Alas! yes: no jail was ever more secure. Returning, I
had to cross before the looking-glass; my fascinated glance
oil paintings
involuntarily explored the depth it revealed. All looked colder and
darker in that visionary hollow than in reality: and the strange
little figure there gazing at me, with a white face and arms
specking the gloom, and glittering eyes of fear moving where all

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

oil painting from picture

oil painting from picture
famous painting
claude monet painting
mona lisa painting
nah, shoo's taan my garden frough me, un' by th' heart, maister, Aw cannot stand it! Yah muh bend tuh th' yoak, an ye will Aw noan used to `t, and an ow'd man dosen't sooin get used tuh new barthens. Aw'd rayther arn my bite an' my sup wi' a hammer in th' road!'
`Now, now, idiot!' interrupted Heathcliff, `cut it short! `What's your grievance? I'll interfere in no quarrels between you and Nelly. She may thrust you into the coal-hole for anything I care.'
`It's noan Nelly!' answered Joseph. `Aw sudn't shift fur Nellie--nasty ill nowt as shoo is. Thank God! shoo cannot stale t' sowl o' nob'dy! Shoo wer niver soa handsome,
oil paintings bud whet a body mud look at her `baht winking. It's yon flaysome, graceless quean, ut s witched ahr lad, wi' her bold een un' her forrard ways--till--Nay! it fair brusts my heart! He's forgetten all Ee done for him, un' made on him, un' goan un' riven up a whole row ut t' grandest currant trees, i' t' garden!' And here he lamented outright; unmanned by a sense of his bitter injuries, and Earnshaw's ingratitude and dangerous condition.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Singing Butler

The Singing Butler
Edward Hopper Painting
Mary Cassatt painting
Jack Vettriano Painting
preferred quarrelling with Joseph in the kitchen to sitting at peace in her solitude. I did not mind their skirmishes: but Hareton was often obliged to seek the kitchen also, when the master wanted to have the house to himself; and though in the beginning she either left it at his approach, or quietly joined in my occupations, and shunned remarking or addressing him--and though he was always as sullen and silent as possible--after a while she changed her behaviour, and became incapable of letting him alone: talking at him; commenting on his stupidity and idleness; expressing her wonder how he could endure the life he lived--how he could sit a whole evening staring into the fire and dozing.
oil paintings
`He's just like a dog, is he not, Ellen?' she once observed, `or a carthorse? He does his work, eats his food, and sleeps eternally! What a blank, dreary mind he must have! Do you ever dream, Hareton? And, if you do, what is it about? But you can't speak to me!'
Then she looked at him; but he would neither open his mouth nor look again.
`He's, perhaps, dreaming now,' she continued. `He twitched his shoulder as Juno twitches hers. Ask him, Ellen.'

Sunday, March 9, 2008

wholesale oil painting

wholesale oil painting
China oil paintings
contemporary abstract painting
painting idea
floral oil painting
Mr Hareton wishes you would read to us, ma'am," I said immediately. "He'd take it very kind--he'd be much obliged."
`She frowned; and looking up, answered:
`"Mr Hareton, and the whole set of you, will be good enough to understand that I reject any pretence at kindness you have the hypocrisy to offer! I despise you, and will have nothing to say to any of you! When I would have given my life for one kind word, even to see one of your faces, you all kept off. But I won't complain to you! I'm driven down here by the cold; not either to amuse you or enjoy your society."
`"What could I ha' done?" began Earnshaw. "How was I to blame?"
oil paintings
`"Oh! you are an exception," answered Mrs Heathcliff. "I never missed such a concern as you."
`"But I offered more than once, and asked," he said, kindling up at her pertness, "I asked Mr Heathcliff to let me wake for you Œ`"Be silent! I'll go out of doors, or anywhere, rather than have your disagreeable voice in my ear!" said my lady.
`Hareton muttered she might go to hell, for him! and unslinging his gun, restrained himself from his Sunday occupations no longer. He talked now, freely enough; and she presently saw

Thursday, March 6, 2008

leonardo da vinci mona lisa

leonardo da vinci mona lisa
da vinci painting
mona lisa painting
thomas kinkade painting
family with relating them! Yet, who knows how long you'll be a stranger? You're too young to rest always contented, living by yourself; and I some way fancy no one could see Catherine Linton and not love her. You smile; but why do you look so lively and interested, when I talk about her? and why have you asked me to hang her picture over your fireplace? and why--'
oil paintings
`Stop, my good friend!' I cried. `It may be very possible that I should love her; but would she love me? I doubt it too much to venture my tranquillity by running into temptation: and then my home is not here. I'm of the busy world, and to its arms I must return. Go on. Was Catherine obedient to her father's commands?'
`She was,' continued the housekeeper. `Her affection for him was still the chief sentiment in her heart; and he spoke without anger: he spoke in the deep tenderness of one about to leave his treasure amid perils and foes, where his remembered words would be the only aid that he could bequeath to guide her. He said to me, a few days afterwards:

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

monet painting

monet painting
wholesale oil painting
China oil paintings
contemporary abstract painting
`Since you are in the habit of passing dreadful nights,' I said, `it won't be miss who spoils your ease: you'd be the same had she never come. However, she shall not disturb you again; and perhaps you'll get quieter when we leave you.
`Must I go?' asked Catherine dolefully, bending over him. `Do you want me to go, Linton?'
`You can't alter what you've done,' he replied pettishly, shrinking from her, `unless you alter it for the worse by teasing me into a fever.'
oil paintings
`Well, then, I must go?' she repeated.
`Let me alone, at least,' said he; `I can't bear your talking.'
She lingered, and resisted my persuasions to departure a tiresome while; but as he neither looked up nor spoke, she finally made a movement to the door and I followed. We were recalled by a scream. Linton had slid from his seat on to the hearthstone, and lay writhing in the mere perverseness of an indulged plague of a child, determined to be as grievous and

Monday, March 3, 2008

Art Painting

Art Painting
Van Gogh Painting
Van Gogh Sunflower
Decorative painting
`Tut, tut!' said Heathcliff, stretching out a hand and dragging him roughly between his knees, and then holding up his head by the chin. `None of that nonsense! We're not going to hurt thee, Linton--isn't that thy name? Thou art thy mother's child, entirely! Where is my share in thee, puling chicken?'
He took off the boy's cap and pushed back his thick flaxen curls, felt his slender arms and his small fingers; during which examination, Linton ceased crying, and lifted his great blue eyes to inspect the inspector.
`Do you know me?' asked Heathcliff, having satisfied himself that the limbs were all equally frail and feeble.
`No,' said Linton, with a gaze of vacant fear.
oil paintings
`You've heard of me, I dare say?'
`No,' he replied again.
`No? What a shame of your mother, never to waken your filial regard for me! You are my son, then, I'll tell you; and your mother was a wicked slut to leave you in ignorance of the sort