Thursday, October 25, 2007

Famous artist painting

Famous artist painting
Well, Emma," he said. "Your father's in splendid shape. Murder suits him. It's given him an interest in life. I must recommend it for more of my patients."
Emma smiled mechanically. Dr. Quimper was always quick to notice reactions.
"Anything particular the matter?" he asked.
Emma looked up at him. She had come to rely a lot on the kindness and sympathy of the doctor. He had become a friend on whom to lean, not only a medical attendant. His calculated brusqueness did not deceive her – she knew the kindness that lay behind it.
Famous artist painting
I am worried, yes," she admitted.
"Care to tell me? Don't if you don't want to."
"I'd like to tell you. Some of it you know already. The point is I don't know what to do."
"I should say your judgment was usually most reliable. What's the trouble?"
"You remember - or perhaps you don't - what I once told you about my brother - the one who was killed in the war?"
"You mean about his having married – or wanting to marry - a French girl? Something of that kind?"
Famous artist painting


Anonymous said...

Famous artist painting

Anonymous said...

Famous artist painting

Anonymous said...

Famous artist painting