Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Water Lilies 1914

Water Lilies 1914Heighton After HoursBrent Lynch Evening Lounge
had not been lost; and my response to it had seemed, even at the time, the most specious of my Tutorhood -- though to be sure they'd all been incorrect. It was fitting, then -- stirringly so! -- that on this round, so to speak, when I'd "solved" the first five problems with a deliberate speciousness, the rule of inversion would hold equally for the sixth, and make my re-placement of the Scroll not only bonafide but profoundly significant. It hadnot been misplaced, that was the point; but it was now, for I had misplaced it last time around -- and so could re-place it! Things had to be lost before they could be found, broken before they could be fixed, infirm before they could be well, opaque before they could be clear -- in short, failed before they could be passed! True, I could not at once discern how this remarkable insight quite applied to Ending the Boundary Dispute, which I'd not begun; nor had I truly "fixed" the Clock I'd broken, for example, or seen to my satisfaction through My Ladyship -- but these doubts were nothing, shadows cast by the very brilliance of my illumination; I ignored them. Failurewas Passage! No past fiasco, no present triumph; the spring made possible the fall!
"Well, hum," Mother said, going to the console. "Founder's Scroll, is it? Is that the title?"

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