Friday, April 10, 2009

Benjamin Williams Leader Derwentwater

Benjamin Williams Leader DerwentwaterBenjamin Williams Leader A Fine Day on the ThamesAlexei Alexeivich Harlamoff The Flower Girls
then drifted gently towards the doors of the tower.
Where they touched the white marble it turned black and crumbled.
As the his arms, untangled his hands from the lace on his sleeves, and sent a flare screaming across the gap.
It struck Abrim in the chest and rebounded in a gout of incandescence, but when the blue after-images allowed Rincewind to see he saw Abrim, unharmed.
His opponent frantically patted out the last of the little fires in his own clothing and remains drifted to the ground a wizard stepped through and looked Abrim up and down.Rincewind was used to the dressy ways of wizards, but this one was really impressive, his robe so padded and crenellated and buttressed in fantastic folds and creases that it had probably been designed by an architect. The matching hat looked like a wedding cake that had collided intimately with a Christmas tree.The actual face, peering through the small gap between the baroque collar and the filigreed fringe of the brim, was a bit of a disappointment. At some time in the past it had thought its appearance would be improved by a thin, scruffy moustache. It had been wrong.'That was our bloody door!' it said. 'You're really going to regret this!'Abrim folded his arms.This seemed to infuriate the other wizard. He flung up

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