Monday, August 11, 2008

William Merritt Chase paintings

William Merritt Chase paintings
William Blake paintings
Winslow Homer paintings
care, never tender. Slaps, shakes, curses, shouts, and threats are the stuff of every child's . Adults do try to govern their fierce tempers with children under fifteen. A violent child beater will be beaten by other adults, and a solitary who hurts children will be, literally, kicked out of the village.
The children treat all adults warily. Holding their own among their peers is less of a problem. Much of their quarrelsome behavior seems to be imitative. Veksi babies are silent, watchful, and stoical. When not with adults, Veksi children j work and play together quite peaceably. This behavior changes j as they approach the Warrior age of fifteen, when, whether driven by physiological changes or by cultural expectations, they begin to pick fights, retaliate fiercely to any slight, and indulge in prolonged sulks that flare into fits of berserk rage.
Visiting a large omedra full of wrathful people, one gets the impression that adult Veksi do nothing but shout, scold, swear, and quarrel, but the real rule of is avoidance. Most adults even in a household, certainly the solitaries, spend

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