Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Water lily Pond

The Water lily Pond
Venus and Cupid
Vermeer girl with the pearl earring
virgin of the rocks
thecoincidence of running into her again in a most unlikely place. For somehow she did notconnect lunch at the Army & Navy Stores with Bess Sedgwick. She would not have beensurprised to see Bess Sedgwick emerging from a den in Soho, or stepping out of CoventGarden Opera House in evening dress with a diamond tiara on her head. But somehow, not inthe Army & Navy Stores which in Miss Marple's mind was,and always would be, connected with the armed forces, their wives, daughters, aunts andgrandmothers. Still, there Bess Sedgwick was, looking as usual and very smart, in her darksuit and her emerald shirt, lunching at a table with a man. A young man with a leanhawklike face, wearing a black leather jacket. They were leaning forward talking earnestlytogether, forking in mouthfuls of food as though they were quite unaware what they wereeating.
oil painting
  An assignation, perhaps? Yes, probably anassignation. The man must be fifteen or twenty years younger than she was – but Bess Sedgwick was a magnetically attractive woman.
  Miss Marple looked at the young man consideringlyand decided that he was what she called a "handsome fellow."She also decided that she didn't like himvery much. "Just like Harry Russell," said Miss Marple to herself, dredging up a prototype a usual from the past. "Never up to any good. Never did any woman who had anything to do with him anygood either."


Anonymous said...

The Water lily Pond

Anonymous said...

The Water lily Pond