Wednesday, January 23, 2008

oil painting from picture

oil painting from picture
famous painting
claude monet painting
such an air! I did not see her again for a twelvemonth. She was then _out_. I met her at Mrs. Holford's, and did not recollect her. She came up to me, claimed me as an acquaintance, stared me out of countenance; and talked and laughed till I did not know which way to look. I felt that I must be the jest of the room at the time, and Miss Crawford, it is plain, has heard the story." ¡¡¡¡ "And a very pretty story it is, and with more truth in it, I dare say, than does credit to Miss Anderson. It is too common a fault. Mothers certainly have not yet got quite the right way of managing their daughters.
oil painting
I do not know where the error lies. I do not pretend to set people right, but I do see that they are often wrong." ¡¡¡¡ "Those who are showing the world what female manners _should_ be," said Mr. Bertram gallantly, "are doing a great deal to set them right." ¡¡¡¡ "The error is plain enough," said the less courteous Edmund; "such girls are ill brought up. They are given wrong notions from the beginning. They are always acting upon motives of vanity, and there is no more real modesty in their behaviour _before_ they appear in public than afterwards."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oil painting from picture"