Monday, January 28, 2008

mona lisa painting

mona lisa painting
thomas kinkade painting
van gogh painting
无框画 油画网
"Well,sir,I'd better get down to it,"said Crome."There's the cafe andthere's the girl's home.I'd better go to both of them.Kelsey can come withme." "And Mr Poirot?"asked the superintendent. "I will accompany you,"said Poirot to Crome with a little bow. Crome,I thought,looked slightly annoyed.Kelsey,sho had not seenPoirot before,grinned broadly.
oil paintings It was an unfortunate circumstance that the first time people saw myfriend they were always disposed to consider him as a joke of the first water. "What about this belt she was strangled with?"asked Crome."Mr Poirot isinclined to think it's a valuable clue.I expect he'd like to see it." "Du tout,"said Poirot quickly."You misunderstood me." "You'll get nothing from that,"said Carter."It wasn't a leatherbelt-mignt have got fingerprints if it had been.Just a thick sort of knittedsilk-ideal for the purpose." I gave a shiver. "Well,"said Crome,"we'd better be getting along."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mona lisa painting"