Thursday, January 3, 2008

famous painting picture

famous painting picture
asian famous painting
famous french painting
famous van gogh vincent painting
 Within the confines of Scotland Yard a conferencewas in progress. It was by way of being an informal conference. Six or seven men weresitting easily around a table and each of those six men was a man of some importance inhis own line. The subject that occupied the attention of these guardians of the law, was asubject that had grown terrifically in importance during the last two or three years. Itconcerned a branch of crime whose success had been overwhelmingly disquieting. Robbery ona big scale was increasing. Bank hold-ups, snatches of pay rolls, thefts of consignmentsof jewels sent through the mail, train robberies. Hardly a month passed but some daringand stupendous coup was attempted and brought off successfully.
oil painting
  Sir Ronald Graves, Assistance Commissioner ofScotland Yard was presiding at the head of the table. According to his usual custom he didmore listening than talking. No formal reports were being presented on this occasion. Allthat belonged to the ordinary routine of C.I.D. work. This was a high level consultation,a general pooling of ideas between men looking at affairs from slightly different pointsof view. Sir Ronald Graves' eyes went slowly round his littlegroup, then he nodded his head to a man at the end of the table.


Anonymous said...

famous painting picture

Anonymous said...

famous painting picture