Thursday, January 3, 2008

famous abstract painting

famous abstract painting
famous monet painting
famous nude painting
famous painting portrait
No, thank you," saidElvira politely. "I shan't unpackvery much, you know."
  "Which of the bedrooms would you like to have? Thebathroom is between them. I told them to put your luggage in the far one. I thought thisroom might be a little noisy."
  "That was very kind of you," said Elvira in her expressionless voice.
  "You're sure youwouldn't like me to help you?"
  "No, thanks, really I wouldn't. I think I might perhaps have a bath."
oil painting
  "Yes, I think that's avery good idea. Would you like to have the first bath? I'drather finish putting my things away."
  Elvira nodded. She went into the adjoining bathroom,shut the door behind her and pushed the bolts across. She went into her own room, openedher suitcase and flung a few things on the bed. Then she undressed, put on a dressinggown, went into the bathroom and turned the taps on. She went back into her own room andsat down on the bed by the telephone. She listened a moment or two in case ofinterruption, then lifted the receiver.
  "This is Room 29. Can you give me Regent 1129please?"


Anonymous said...

"art flower painting"
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Anonymous said...

famous abstract painting