Thursday, December 20, 2007

Red Nude painting

Red Nude painting
Regatta At Argenteuil
Rembrandt Biblical Scene
Rembrandt The Jewish Bride
He coloured as he replied, "You are very kind; but I have no idea of returning into Devonshire immediately. My visits to Mrs. Smith are never repeated within the twelvemonth."    "And is Mrs. Smith your only friend? Is Allenham the only house in the neighbourhood to which you will be welcome? For shame, Willoughby, can you wait for an invitation here?"    His colour increased; and, with his eyes fixed on the ground, he only replied, "You are too good."    Mrs. Dashwood looked at Elinor with surprise. Elinor felt equal amazement. For a few moments every one was silent. Mrs. Dashwood first spoke.
oil painting    "I have only to add, my dear Willoughby, that at Barton cottage you will always be welcome; for I will not press you to return here immediately, because you only can judge how far that might be pleasing to Mrs. Smith; and on this head I shall be no more disposed to question your judgment than to doubt your inclination."    "My engagements at present," replied Willoughby, confusedly, "are of such a nature- that- I dare not flatter myself-"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rembrandt Biblical Scene