Thursday, December 20, 2007

nude oil painting

nude oil painting
oil painting from picture
famous painting
claude monet painting
   "Indeed, I can easily believe that it was a very great relief to you to acknowledge your situation to me, and be assured that you shall never have reason to repent it. Your case is a very unfortunate one; you seem to me to be surrounded with difficulties; and you will have need of all your mutual affection to support you under them. Mr. Ferrars, I believe, is entirely dependent on his mother."    "He has only two thousand pounds of his own; it would be madness to marry upon that; though, for my own part, I could give up every prospect of more without a sigh. I have been always used to a very small income, a
oil paintingnd could struggle with any poverty for him; but I love him too well to be the selfish means of robbing him, perhaps, of all that his mother might give him, if he married to please her. We must wait; it may be for many years. With almost every other man in the world, it would be an alarming prospect; but Edward's affection and constancy nothing can deprive me of, I know."    "That conviction must be everything to you; and he is, undoubtedly, supported by the same trust in yours. If the

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nude oil painting