Friday, November 2, 2007

Claude Monet Boulevard des Capucines

Boulevard des Capucines
Claude Monet Boulevard des Capucines
American Day Dream
Biblis painting
"Oh, she said that when people were tied up you could get the law of a man better if he beat you--and how when couples quarrelled.... Jude, do you think that when you must have me with you by law, we shall be so happy as we are now? The men and women of our family are very generous when everything depends upon their goodwill, but they always kick against compulsion. Don't you dread the attitude that insensibly arises out of legal obligation? Don't you think it is destructive to a passion whose essence is its gratuitousness?" ¡¡¡¡ "Upon my word, love, you are beginning to frighten me, too, with all this foreboding! Well, let's go back and think it over." ¡¡¡¡ Her face brightened. "Yes--so we will!" said she. And they turned from the clerk's door, Sue taking his arm and murmuring as they walked on homeward: ¡¡¡¡ Can you keep the bee from ranging, Or the ring-dove s neck from changing? No! Nor fetter'd love ... ¡¡¡¡ They thought it over, or postponed thinking. Certainly they postponed action, and seemed to live on in a dreamy paradise. At the end of a fortnight or three weeks matters remained unadvanced, and no banns were announced to the ears of any Aldbrickham congregation.


Anonymous said...

Boulevard des Capucines

Anonymous said...

"Boulevard des Capucines"