Thursday, October 25, 2007

Van Gogh Painting

Van Gogh Painting
He rose to his feet as she was shown in, shook hands, settled her in a chair and offered her a cigarette which she refused. Then there was a momentary pause. She was trying, he decided, to find just the words she wanted. He leaned forward.
"You have come to tell me something, Miss Crackenthorpe? Can I help you? You've been worried about something, haven't you? Some little thing, perhaps, that you feel probably has nothing to do with the case, but on the other hand, just might be related to it. You've come here to tell me about it, haven't you? It's to do, perhaps, with the identity of the dead woman. You think you know who she was?"
Van Gogh Painting
No, no, not quite that. I think really it's most unlikely. But –"
"But there is some possibility that worries you. You'd better tell me about it - because we may be able to set your mind at rest."
Emma took a moment or two before speaking. Then she said:
"You have seen three of my brothers. I had another brother, Edmund, who was killed in the war. Shortly before he was killed, he wrote to me from France."
Van Gogh Painting


Anonymous said...

Van Gogh Painting

Anonymous said...

Van Gogh Painting

Anonymous said...

Van Gogh Painting