Friday, October 26, 2007

precious time

precious time
Red Hat Girl
Red Nude painting
Regatta At Argenteuil "No," admitted Lucy. "I never thought of anything of that kind. They both seemed to me –"
"So old?" said Miss Marple smiling a little. "But Dr. Quimper isn't much over forty, I should say, though he's going grey on the temples, and it's obvious that he's longing for some kind of home life; and Emma Crackenthorpe is under forty – not too old to marry and have a family. The doctor's wife died quite young having a baby, so I have heard."
"I believe she did. Emma said something about it one day."
"He must be lonely," said Miss Marple. "A busy hardworking doctor needs a wife – someone sympathetic - not too young."
"Listen, darling," said Lucy. "Are we investigating crime, or are we match-making?"
Miss Marple twinkled.
"I'm afraid I am rather romantic. Because I am an old maid, perhaps. You know, dear Lucy, that, as far as I am concerned, you have fulfilled your contract. If you really want a holiday abroad before taking up your next engagement, you would have time still for a short trip."


Anonymous said...

precious time

Anonymous said...

precious time

Anonymous said...

precious time